Friday, 28 June 2013

Old Writing Magazines

Every now and again my collection of Writing Magazines get too much for the cabinet in which I keep them, and I have to have a clear out.  This gives way to a relaxing couple of hours re-reading issues from 3 years ago.  As I am constantly changing what I like to write, this often throws up new ideas from old forgotten magazines.  It also allows me to file the pages of interest within the folders that I have for my separate projects.  It also gives me a kick up the backside......

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Official Photographer

This weekend I was 'Official Photographer' at Becci's fabulous 40th Birthday party.  I had promised to take a load of pictures and do a photo book as her birthday present. Thoroughly enjoyed it - although the camera struggled at times to take the photos as quickly as I would liked.  However (as usual) The Shutter Chimps have been very helpful with their advice.   Here is one of the photographs that I love (not taken using Auto).  As you can see Becci had a great time!!!

Saturday, 22 June 2013

5 Job Applications completed today...

....I'd say that's enough 'Creative Writing' for one day!!!

Friday, 21 June 2013

Didn't get the job....

Fed up for a day or so, but back to my 'creative writing' last night when I completed a couple of job applications.   Jamie only has 4 weeks left at pre-school and after that he will be at home with me full time for the summer holidays before he starts school in September.  I really must crack on with my writing next week and try and write / pitch a few articles....

Friday, 14 June 2013

Job Interview

Since my contract in the NHS ended at the end of March I have tried to use the extra hours at home alone (when Jamie is at pre-school) to my advantage.  I have been lucky enough to have been able to get a lot of photography accomplished, and have had a number of 'ideas' with regards to articles that I may pitch at a later date.

What I have not enjoyed is the lack of cash.  I thought it would be easy to exist on less, but even writers need to spend money....

So, I am glad to report I have a job interview this Wednesday.  My 'creative writing' was obviously on top form when I completed the application form.  I just need to be able to promote myself verbally and hope that they like me.  Wish me luck!!

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Camera School - Module 2 - Portraits

I only got a Bronze Medal for my Module 1 (Landscape) image (see: but at least it wasn't a fail. 
The comments they made on my image were:  Our tutors identified the following areas for improvement:  Composition needs more attention.
Module 2 is Portraits, and I have entered the photo above of Ella (my god-daughter) taken at a recent children's party.  I am very happy with this image and hope to improve on my Bronze......

Friday, 7 June 2013

No Greater Error

In the recent Cygnus Review (June 2013), See:

Pierre Pradervand; in his article 'Towards an Open Spirituality',  quotes Edmund Burke:

"There is no greater error than doing nothing because we believe we can only do a little".