Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Do you find writing tiring?

Thought I would share this letter and advice I re-discovered in Writers News - October 2009

Q: I have begun to find sitting down at my computer and writing more and more tiring ......the more I stayed at my desk, the less I did ......I want to write. Why should this be? Any tips on this?

A: You need variety. It's much easier to be productive if
a) you have a definite routine (maybe 3 hours at your desk in the morning every day, then stop) and
b) you have a variety of activities during the day. These should include writing, walking, something creative and different (perhaps drawing, painting, photography, cookery) and reading or watching. It's important to use all your senses every day. If you begin to do this, you will not find writing tiring. In fact its not the writing that's tiring you, but the 'monotony' of it. If you include more experiences in your day - one of which should include something physical - you will be longing to get to your computer instead of finding it a chore.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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