Thursday, 27 October 2011

Quality is.....

Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of intelligent effort.

John Ruskin (1819-1900)

Saturday, 22 October 2011

Happy 4th Birthday Blog!!

Today I am still feeling under the weather due to a cold that I seem to have acquired as the temperature outside rapidly drops as winter approaches! I also think this has been brought on as I have been feeling 'run down' lately and trying to do too many things at once. I know I need to be calmer and go with the flow more....

Did I mention that I had joined a book group down the road? Well, I have decided to drop that commitment as I think it is one too many.

And I briefly considered attending to write a novel in a month - 50,000 words in 30 days (see: ) but due to stress levels and time constraints I think I will pass on it this year. While contemplating it however, it did give me an idea for a book, so we shall see!

Since attending the Lindum Scribes in September I have become a member of the group. I feel this is a good thing as the meetings are held locally and the members are a nice bunch. I also continue to attend the Poison Pens who continue to be a great source of inspiration and knowledge. Both groups have a different mix of people so the comments I receive at one regarding a piece may be different from the other group.

I have had a number of ideas lately with regards to themes for poetry and hope to attempt to do some free verse in the near future. Having a toddler means that time has to be found in small amounts and this is more conducive to poetry writing than novel writing (at least for me!).

As I say, time continues to be my main problem. However, I must remember not to push myself so hard, not to try to control everything so much, to use writing as therapy when things get too bad and to Relax!!