Thursday, 27 November 2014

The Green Eyed Monster

Over the years both myself and my other half have suffered from the effects of the green eyed monster.  In Writing Magazine; November 2014 there was a great article by Rebecca Woodhead about building your (FB) tribe and in it discussed this issue:

'What's happening is that you are causing people who are uncomfortable about changing their own lives to feel challenged.  If you improve your life (whether in terms of academic, social or financial advancement) those around you who would rather complain than change will kick out.  This response is similar to a childish tantrum.  It is about THEIR stuff, and nothing to do with you.  Let them throw their toys out of the pram, and continue to be your amazing self.'

The article goes on to describe other friends who may feel the opposite; 'And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.'

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

The Calendar Has Arrived!!

You can just about make out that the cover shot reads; 'Walking the Willow Walk' by Joanne Borrill.

Sunday, 9 November 2014

Black and White Challenge

One of the Shutter Imps set and Black and White Challenge.  I had not realised quite how difficult taking black and white photos was!  Here is my best one.  Neville - our black and white cat!!


My brother had a fab party on Friday and I took along my camera, hoping to take some decent photos of the fireworks.  These are my favourites from the evening......

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

7 Years Today....

....I started this blog.   Seven years later, and today I find myself working full time - its just for the week you understand - and so much more chilled out about the prospect of perhaps not being a famous author. 

Actually, now that I have written that, I actually think 'Hell, I DO want to be a famous author!' 

What I mean (I think) is that I would like to be paid to write, and to receive some recognition that I have a place in the world that is more than just a bum on the sofa!   

Does this make sense to anyone else?  We shall see......

Friday, 10 October 2014

newsnk - Autumn 2014

Had my name in the paper again....

Friday, 12 September 2014

No Excuses? Pah!

The biggest excuse I have had lately is the school holidays..... 

Once again, I found myself with a new job as the holidays started.  This means when I am not at work I have been looking after Jamie.  I have had a few hours to myself at weekends and in the evenings when Daddy has been around, but unfortunately these precious hours have been used to ensure the house doesn't burn down / we get our bills paid / we can see through all the clutter and muck!  You get the drift.....

During the hols though, I am pleased to say that I did get some photography in and got to read some (non fiction) books and magazines - so I don't feel it was entirely wasted!   Especially as I know Jamie had a fantastic holiday; went to loads of places and had lots of play dates.  And after all, it really is about Jamie at the moment.

Once the holidays were over, I did have another job interview.  However, this was for a full time position - term time only!  Initially, I thought this would be a great idea - having all the holidays off and not having to worry about childcare.  But of course, I would need to worry about child care when he was a school instead.  Both Daddy and I agreed that we didn't want to put Jamie into Breakfast Club every morning and after school a few nights a week - and have to rely on others to pick him up!

So I have decided to stay with my current job.  I have been there 8 weeks now and feel I am beginning to get the hang of it!  I still make mistakes but hoping to be up to speed when I do a full week in October.  Other than that week, I will continue to do 20 hours a week with time to myself on a Friday.

Today has been my first Friday on my own for about two months and I am pleased to say I have been using my time well - plotting and planning....

Saturday, 6 September 2014

Not in the Mood?

I recently received an email from ZenHabits entitled 7 Discipline-Mastering  Practices, see:

This was the practice I felt I (most) need to follow:

Do the task even when I’m not in the mood. Procrastination is such a common problem that I believe it to be universal. The main reason we procrastinate, without admitting it to ourselves, is, “I’m not in the mood to do this.” The task is probably difficult or confusing, and so it’s uncomfortable, and you’d rather go to things that are easier, that you’re good at. You’d rather clean your house or trim your nails or check your email than start writing the next chapter of your book. But if we wait until we’re in the mood, we’ll never master life. Instead, practice this: set yourself to do a task, and start doing it, no matter what. Don’t let yourself check email, or social media, or go clean something, or do a quick chore or errand. Sit down, and do it. It will be uncomfortable. You can still do it even if it’s uncomfortable.

Friday, 15 August 2014

My Name In Print!!

Writing Magazine - August 2014

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Wonderful Week Away

Just come back from a week in Norfolk.  Full of photo opportunities, time for writing and reading and relaxation.......(in my dreams!)

Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Writers Block?

Can't even get the motivation to go to a workshop on beating the bloody thing......

(Excuses: Too Hot / Too Tired / Too much to do before my hols!)

Friday, 11 July 2014

I Got A Job !!!

So, after 28 job applications, 6 interviews, and over 3 months out of work, I have finally got a job!

3 months out of work.....   Can't say I have written a novel, or even finished an article to pitch for publication, but I am happy with all that I have done in those 3 months. 

For a start, I have not been just sat on my bum doing nothing.  Obviously, I have had to write those 28 applications and then prepare for the interviews.  I suppose you could easily call these 'creative writing'!   In order to get the interview for my new job, I only needed to send a CV and a covering letter, but I suppose even that takes creativity!

The time off gave me an opportunity to clear the decks and finish many jobs that have been on my 'To Do' list for a long time.  This included giving each room and especially the loft, a major sort out, and finishing my 'Resources' and 'Ideas' documents which can be used to fuel any writing ideas I may have in the future.  I have also been able to clear masses off my laptop - which has helped to make it quicker (although I do desperately want a new one!).

I have also been able to spend time reading books and magazines which has been both relaxing and educational.  I am not so sure I can claim the same for the amount of surfing I have done, but I am sure I can claim 'research' when my hours on the Internet are added up......

I also attempted to get fitter by taking more exercise (usually walking) but I can't say that I am any lighter than when first made redundant.    I have also been able to spend more time with my son Jamie, which was both wonderful and exhausting!  Helping him learn to read this last few months has been amazing.  Watching him learn his 'phonics' and apply them to the words on the page is truly what being a parent is all about.   Being unemployed has also meant being there for him when he had to have some days off school when he was ill, as well as during the Easter hols and half term.

There has not been much opportunity for lazy lunches with the ladies,  as not having any money coming in means not going out!  This has emphasised how much I prefer staying in with the family or meeting friends for a walk, a simple coffee at a local café, or even just sitting in the garden chatting over a cuppa (with or without children running around like mad 5 year olds do!).  Although now I have a job I have had a few trips to buy certain 'essentials' like new clothes and shoes......

Of course, time has been taken up with the Whisby Photographic Competition / Exhibition and I will have plenty of opportunity to use my camera in a few weeks when we go off on our hols to Norfolk.  I also attended a 'Colour Workshop' run by the Spiritualist Church which was certainly interesting!

Have I kept my resolutions for this year?   I think I am doing OK (except the diet bit).

Being off work has made me realise what is most important, and the importance of a routine.   I am looking forward to starting work and getting back into one.  I have listed my weekly 'Priorities' to keep me sane - so I don't forget what's important and what must be done - and I am hoping that I can find the energy for everything I want to do in the coming months!! 

Wish Me Luck!

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Motivate Yourself (and reach your goals)

Just read Motivate Yourself and Reach Your Goals by Frances Coombes see:

Two of the most powerful tools you have in your personal armoury are your ability to set goals and to model skills.

You cannot control the future or decide what you will be doing 5 years from now when success knocks on your door, but you can decide on the next small steps you will take today and tomorrow to make the success you want a reality.  Get motivated – start increasing your skills and taking the actions that make successes happen more quickly.

Sunday, 29 June 2014

Tragedy in life.....

Tragedy in life doesn't lie in not reaching your goal - the tragedy lies in having no goal to reach.

Benjamin Mays - American minister and educator
quoted in Motivate Yourself by Frances Coombes

Thursday, 26 June 2014

Non Fiction Books....

Over the past few years since having Jamie (who is now 5) I have struggled to read any fiction books, but I have managed to read lots of non fiction.  Having the psychology background and a keen interest in self help etc, the majority of the books I have read have been in some way, shape or form, trying to help.

The most recent book - and I shall not name names - I was recommended via an email (I suspect from the author himself) as he does have his own website.

I was amazed at how much information in the book was obvious and just common sense!

It was not until the last chapter or so that I felt there was anything new, and that wasn't really a light bulb moment.

In fact, I turned over expecting there to be more to the book, but the rest was just references and acknowledgements.

Obviously someone is still impressed by these books and they are still being published.

Now, let me find out which publishing house.......

Saturday, 14 June 2014

Do be kind....

Do be kind to yourself.  Fill pages as quickly as possible; double space, or write on every second line.  Regard every new page as a small triumph.   

Roddy Doyle

Quoted in Writers News - November 2013

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

What Do You Do?

Loved this letter from Peter Wilson-Ward (Milton Keynes) in March's Writing Magazine

When asking 'What do you do?', the inquirer actually wants to know: 'How do you earn your money?'  They aren't interested in what makes you tick.

It's the left hemisphere of the brain that needs to place people into categories.  I might earn my living doing one thing, but my heart and intellect are those of a writer.  And it's irrelevant that I'm unpublished. 

The left hemisphere places such imporatnce on labels.  It's that nagging voice that worries about the future and the past, obsesses about status and the ego Me.  Our society is all about the left brain.

But creative people know its from the right brain - when allowed to process in the background - that the ideas come.  It lives in the present moment.   It's slow and wants only to quietly observe and feel at one with the world around us.

Why should we engage with those who want to define us with their categories?  Let's not play that game.  I am not my job.  I am my passion - a writer.

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Not Enough Book Cases

Hubby has said I can't have any more book cases as it will 'ruin his plaster', so today I have been forced to assess the state of the existing books and book shelves that we have.

NO.  I refuse to get rid of any books.  I got rid of far too many just before my son was born and there are still a load in the loft that call to me....

However, what I have found today is that the whole process of simply moving some books around has been beneficial.

It makes you see / notice / remember what books you actually own.  Rearranging a few, reminds you of what you have, where they were bought, people you were with.  It has sparked a number of ideas and helped me to remember forgotten details.  It has also helped to shift my priorities around as I move the books from room to room.

And I can definitely feel the energy moving around....

Sunday, 25 May 2014

Elmore Leonard's 10 Rules for Writing

  • Never open a book with weather.
  • Avoid prologues.
  • Never use a verb other than 'said' to carry dialogue.
  • Never use an adverb to modify the verb 'said'.....he admonished gravely.
  • Keep your exclamation points under control.  You are allowed no more than 2 or 3 per 100,000 words of prose.
  • Never use the words 'suddenly' or 'all hell broke loose.'
  • Use regional dialect, patois, sparingly.
  • Avoid detailed descriptions of characters.  (keep the characters talking and the reader will discover what they look like)
  • Don't go into great details describing places and things.
  • Try to leave out the part that readers tend to skip.
Reproduced in Writing Magazine: June 2014

Thursday, 22 May 2014


Jamie brought some homework home this week and I thought it would be a great writing exercise.

We are going to be working towards creating a class rainbow poem (the letter says).

They are working with colours and linking colours to senses and feelings. 

For homework the children were asked to think about the following with regards to their favourite colour:
  • What would your colour taste like?
  • What would your colour smell like?
  • What would your colour look like?
  • What would your colour feel like?
  • What would your colour sound like?
  • Is there anything in the world around you reminds you of your colour?
Jamie's answers - for the colour Blue - were:
  • Tastes like: Blueberries
  • Smells: Nice and fresh and clean
  • Looks like: Bright and Shiny
  • Sounds like: A swishing sound
  • What reminds you of your colour: Blue sign, Blue Sky, Blue Sea.
Now, your turn......

Monday, 19 May 2014

Award Ceremony

Had a lovely weekend.  It was my sister in laws birthday and so her and her hubby and niece Lucy came to see us.  The sun was out and we spent Saturday in the garden enjoying the sunshine and just chillaxing! 

Sunday was the award ceremony at the Natural World Centre and so the two cousins had a fab few hours playing in the sandpit before cheering me as I received my certificate. 

Dale thought it would be a good shot to photograph the photographer!!  I will let you decide. 

Friday, 16 May 2014

Cover Shot Confirmed

It says:          Cover Shot     Will appear on the cover of the Natural World Centre's 2015 Calendar.

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Cover Star!!

Just had a phone call to say that my photograph has been chosen to be on the cover of the 2015 Natural World Calendar!! 

And there is a presentation to all the winners on Sunday!!

Check me out!!

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Feel like I should have got a bigger frame....

Went to see the exhibition of all the entries in the Whisby photographic competition.

There were three walls of photographs and this is 'my' wall:

Although the competition rules state that each photo will NOT be judged on the frame, having a frame certainly changes the impact.
Next year I am getting a bigger frame.......mine is the woodland shot in the middle. 

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Photographic Competition Entered.....

So pleased with myself.  Have actually managed to enter a photography competition:

The exhibition of all the photographs takes place between the 5th and the 31st May and people will vote for their favourites!

Sunday, 20 April 2014


May you find what you are looking for.....

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Perfect is the Enemy

Perfect is the enemy. Often people strive for perfection, but this stands in the way of progress. Progress is much more important than perfection. If you find yourself not starting a habit because you want the perfect circumstances, or not meditating because you want the perfect time or space, or not writing because you want the perfect tool, or not being happy because you haven’t been perfect with your habit — drop your expectations and just do the habit.

Saturday, 12 April 2014

No Job. No Excuses?

Bit of a whirlwind at the moment.  Not sure whether I am coming or going.  Had a Business briefing on the Thursday to say the company wasn't doing well and there would be 5 redundancies and then on the Monday told it was ME!   It seemed to come out of nowhere.  I managed to stay at work til Wednesday morning when I was 'officially' told I was being made redundant, but after that I had to leave.  It was unbearable sitting at the desk knowing I wasn't wanted. 

I did spend the Monday and Tuesday 'preparing' to leave.  I was able to send stuff home and copy anything that might be useful in my future - job wise.  But I also made damn sure that I was up to date on everything I had been involved with during the last 8 months.  I could not have left it knowing it was a mess!

Probably a bit of an exaggeration, but it feels like a death.  I am struggling to get my head around what to do next.  I have been given a month's 'Garden Leave' but that money will soon be here and gone......Do I clamber to get the first job or aim to start looking after the summer so I can spend it with Jamie.  However, a summer without a job means less money to spend on Jamie!!

My head is spinning and now its the Easter holidays so I won't have a moment to think for another couple of weeks!!

Thursday, 10 April 2014

The Future is Unknowable

Loved this quote from the Grumpy Old Bookman in April 2014 Writers News

Don't live your life in ruthless pursuit of some imaginary state of 'success'.   The future is unknowable - and the past cannot hurt you - so make the most of today

Marcus Aurelius was Roman Emperor from 161 to 180. He ruled with Lucius Verus as co-emperor from 161 until Verus' death in 169. He was the last of the Five Good Emperors, and is also considered one of the most important Stoic philosophers.

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Goodbye Moon

COOPER Moonyeen (Moon) (Author) Unexpectedly, but peacefully on Monday 31st March, 2014 at Castle Hill Hospital, Cottingham, Moon aged 68 years, sadly passed away. Beloved wife of Eddie and good friend to many. She will be greatly missed by all who knew her. Service at the Grimsby Crematorium on Thursday 10th April, 2014 at 1.40pm. Family flowers only please by request, donations in lieu, if so desired may be sent to 'Macmillan Cancer Support' c/o Marion Newson, St. Andrews Hospice, Peaks Lane, Grimsby, DNB32 9RP.

I met Moon many moons (!) ago on a weekend creative writing course in Horncastle.  We have always kept in touch.  I knew she had been ill and had been having radiotherapy, as she had sent an email, but her death was unexpected. 

She wrote in an email from February:
I still have so much to offer the world! I want to enjoy all the littlest things from delighting in nature, going for a coffee with friends, sharing trips out with Eddie, playing bridge, and reading books to fulfilling all my ambitions to see another of my novels in print and going abroad again.You can help me do all this, for I believe the power of prayer and thought can indeed move mountains and together we are strong.
Remember this when things go wrong.  How serious are they really?

Goodbye Moon.  You will be sadly missed.  Xx

Sunday, 30 March 2014

Have more than one idea

Have more than one idea on the go at any one time.  If it's a choice between writing a book and doing nothing I will always choose the latter.  It's only if I have an idea for two books that I choose one rather than the other.

Geoff Dyer

quoted in April 2014 Writers News

Monday, 24 March 2014

Quantity Produces Quality

Quote from  Ray Bradbury in March 2014 Writers' News

Quantity produces quality.  If you only write a few things you're doomed.

Monday, 17 March 2014

Retreat from the muddle....

With writing it's like you can retreat from the muddle that is everything else.     

Jake Kerridge  

quoted in Writers' News 2014

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

My 200 words......

Remember back in November I wrote that I had entered a competition in Writing Magazine to win a copy of a book that I wanted.  Well, I didn't win it.  I think it was the last line hat let me down.  See what you think.  These were my 200 words....

On the front of my notebook, in which I record what I eat every day, is the slogan; ‘Keep Calm and Carry On’.   I am not a calorie counting maniac.  I don’t believe this is a healthy way to live.  I do feel however, that it’s not how much we eat, but rather what we eat, that is bad for us.  You might be able to get your calories from eating three meals a day at a fast food chain, but do you seriously think that is good for you?  ‘You are what you eat’, is another well used phrase, but if you want to lose weight, or just feel better about yourself, you need to start thinking about what you put inside your body.  We all know that five a day is the recommendation.   We also know that exercise is good for you.  It’s not rocket science.  Don’t follow fad diets just because Lady Ga Ga is said to.  She doesn’t.   She burns off enough calories in one night on stage, that she can eat exactly what she likes. The rest of us need to:  ‘Keep Calm and Learn to be Healthy’.   It really is  ‘Simples’.  

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Are You Writing about people You Love or Hate?

I believe that people should write biographgies only about people they love.  Novels, on the other hand, are often better if they're about people the writer doesn't like very much.

Penelope Fitzgerald
It says here she was the daughter of the Bishop of Lincoln

Quoted in Writers News, March 2014

Thursday, 27 February 2014

What about a 'Done' list?

Reading an old copy of Top Sante this weekend and came across an article entitled; 'The Joy Gurus'.  The article discussed experts and their books, on happiness.

The Antidote: Happiness for people who can't stand positive thinking by Oliver Burkeman. suggests keeping a 'done' list. 

We're good at keeping lists of the things we still have to accomplish, and then feeling bad about not doing them.  But we're not as good at reminding ourselves of all the things we've achieved.  Spend a day or two writing down everything you do, and you'll probably find the result rather impressive.

Monday, 24 February 2014

Rule Number Nine: Don't Push Yourself Too Hard

As well as monitoring how I have been doing with my To Do list, I have also been monitoring the reasons why things aren't getting done! 

What are your distractions that are stopping you writing?

Over the weekend I had terrible wrist ache.  So I decided the only thing I could do was to read.  I have been neglecting my magazine pile and to read one of the magazines gave me ideas for future pitches and of ideas to research.

Monday, I had a terrible headache and kept pushing myself.  Consequently, I felt even worse Tuesday.  I should have listened to my body and had a rest.

Rule number 8 said to treat writing like a job.  Aren't there Health and Safety issues with every job?  We are always being told to take a break.  We must remember to do this in our home lives as well as our paid, working life..

Remember to take time to Relax.  Look after yourself.

Take a break.  If lucky enough to have a days writing, ensure you still have a lunch break away from the computer.  Rest your eyes - and your brain - and after lunch you will come back feeling stronger and fitter.

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Rule Number Eight: Treat Writing Like A Job

You don't have to feel like doing something in order to do it.

You can feel unmotivated - and still do it!

You can't go off for a snooze or another drink or to tidy the kitchen (again) when you work in an office / on the shop floor / or in ASDA!

Treat writing like a job. 
Bum on seat. 
Brain in Gear. 

Friday, 14 February 2014

Writing to be thought Clever?

In the March edition of Writing Magazine , there is an article entitled 'How to write like Kingsley Amis.' 

It ends with the comment;   Kingley Amis quoted George Orwell, who he thought was being not arrogant but very honest when he said that his leading motive was the desire to be thought clever and to be talked about by people he had never met.

I know exactly what he means.....

Monday, 10 February 2014

Rule Number Seven: Minutes Add Up

You may only have 5 minutes, but you can still do something.

Even if it is only to prepare for when you have more than 5 minutes. 

You might be able to read at least one article / email or flick through a few pages of a magazine or book.

Just don't just sit there wasting it by thinking; "I wish I had more time".

All those 5 minutes can add up to a novel.

Saturday, 8 February 2014

Nothing Like A New Pen!

Recently, I lost one of my favourite pens.  A Parker I had had for years.  I have looked everywhere and can't find it.  I suspect someone may have borrowed it at work....

Anyway, this week I decided to replace it and found  Lovely pen at a lovely price and bought a few refills as well. 

There is just something about a new pen.  Makes you want to write......

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Rule Number Six: Create Your Own Space

As I have said previously about putting distractions out of sight (Rules 2 & 4), I also feel that sometimes creating your own personal piece of heaven within your life of chaos can often temp the muse in.

I know you read about authors who sit at the kitchen table while their spouse talks about their day and their 4 children run around, screaming and shouting at them, and they still get 1000 words done, but I think that is very rare.  And are they any good words or do they then get deleted by a keen editor?

This might require some delegation (Rule 5) but try and find some space to call your own; even if it IS the kitchen table - only cleared of plates - replaced with your computer, pen, notebook or whatever you use....

I think peace and quiet is a must.  Unless, that is, you are wanting to write about a particular time in your life and then I feel that music from that era may be necessary - it works for me at least.  Music can also help to generate ideas when you need inspiration or are stuck, but perhaps only gentle instrumental for when you are actually in the process of writing....

I like to work with a scented candle on the table.  Not sure why it works, but it does.  Someone once recommended having one in an article and at first I thought it was a bit barmy, but tried it and I like it.  Perhaps it takes me to another level - a hint of meditation while looking at the flame perhaps?  Or it might just be the a nice smell...

Remember; its all about what works for YOU!

Monday, 27 January 2014

The House Will ALWAYS Need Cleaning!

Let me just add to that last post.  The house will always need cleaning.  There will always be 'House Stuff' to do.  Its how much of it you can deal with.  I have started to have a tidy around last thing at night in order that my stress levels aren't too high the next morning as we all rush to get ready for work and school!

Having a tidy house - a place for everything and everything in its place - helps you to lead a more organised and stress free life.  I can't think of anything worse than losing something.  It drives me mad! 

In order to run an efficient home, I do believe you need to spend time every now and again putting things in their correct place, making sure you have enough of things you are going to need (food, toiletries, birthday cards) and having a gentle dust, hoover and clean where required in order that your house feel like a home as opposed to a dirty dumping ground.

However, I accept there is a fine line between keeping a clean and tidy house and OCD......   

Sunday, 26 January 2014

Rule Number Five: Delegate and Negotiate

This morning I realised I had not had much time over the last few days to crack on with the 'To Do' list.  I also realised that I had a load of things that needed to be done house-wise.

So I made a bargain with hubby.  He entertain our son this morning while I get the house sorted, then he has his 2 hours of music this afternoon, we all meet for a bit of family time in the middle and then mummy has some time after tea for her 'To Do' list.

Just got to make sure I don't use it for an early night!!

Monday, 20 January 2014

Inspiration is for Amateurs

The advice I like to give young artists, or really anybody who'll listen to me, is not to wait around for inspiration. Inspiration is for amateurs; the rest of us just show up and get to work. If you wait around for the clouds to part and a bolt of lightning to strike you in the brain, you are not going to make an awful lot of work.

All the best ideas come out of the process; they come out of the work itself. Things occur to you. If you're sitting around trying to dream up a great art idea, you can sit there a long time before anything happens.

But if you just get to work, something will occur to you and something else will occur to you and something else that you reject will push you in another direction. Inspiration is absolutely unnecessary and somehow deceptive. You feel like you need this great idea before you can get down to work, and I find that's almost never the case.”
Chuck Close

Chuck Close is a renowned American painter, printmaker, and photographer. His 1998 traveling retrospective, organized by the Museum of Modern Art in New York, confirmed his place in the pantheon of major contemporary artists. His paintings, prints, and photographs, represented by PaceWildenstein in New York, are widely exhibited and collected."  

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Boudoir Photography....

Sorry.  No pictures.  But one of my dear friends (who shall remain nameless) asked me if I would take some pictures of her, in order that an artist could do a drawing of her.  This would be for her husband as a surprise present for their 25th wedding anniversary.

She sent me a couple of photos of what she was looking for, and I asked some of the Shutter Chimps / Imps for some pointers.  In  preparation, I got a number of books from the library, read up on taking portraits and finally invested in a reflector.  I was glad I got the reflector as we took the photos in her bedroom and, due to the wallpaper and the fact it was a January afternoon, the light was less than perfect.

Once over the initial embarrassment of taking naked pictures of my friend, I really began to get into the art of the process.  It was amazing how, just by moving a leg or an arm, or a change of expression or slight movement, the whole shot could change.   The pictures / poses we had looked at to begin with, didn't quite work, but we soon found a pose that my friend was comfortable with, and that she looked good in!   The more pictures I took, the better I felt I got.  Practise certainly made perfect!

Following advice, I took loads of photos (189).  I shot them all in AP and in monochrome.   And concentrated on my friends eyes..... 

My friend sent a couple of shots that she liked best to the artist.  The artist said the light and photo was beautiful, so, as my friend said, a pat on the back!

Sunday, 5 January 2014

Rule Number Four: Make Sure You Are Aware of Your Personal Distractions

If you are still struggling to find enough time, why not try some time and motion techniques?

Why aren't you writing?  What seems to be more important?  What is taking up your precious time?

Find out why writing is not taking place during its allotted time and then work on destroying the distractions.

Write down what you are doing throughout the day.  You may want to set an alarm for every 20 mins or simply note the time and what you are doing every time you do something different.

Then, analyse the information to see your most and least productive times of the day.  Mine are early morning; especially when the house is really quiet.   Then look at the distractions that stop you from writing.

I have analysed my time on a number of occasions, and its amazing how much time is wasted and can be claimed back with a few strategies, i.e.
  • Don't answer the phone / the door.
  • Don't keep checking your emails, and definitely not your Facebook friends.
  • Try not to think about the pile of washing up / laundry basket / empty cupboards.
  • Remember that your writing is important.  Treat it like a job you are being paid for and the boss is watching you.......

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Happy New Year Resolutions!

In 2014 I will:
Plan my time.  Note spaces in the week ahead and fill them with what’s important.

Learn to say No and to not feel bad about it.

Lower my own standards (and therefore the pressure).

Read, Read and Read some more.
Invest in Quality time with Jamie and Dale.

Learn with Jamie.  Take time out to help him.  Help him reach his targets.  
Slow down and concentrate on what really matters (and ignore the rest).
Relax.  Relax.  Relax....

Explore my Spiritual side.

Shift a stone but not via a mad diet, but rather through healthy eating and regular exercise.

Save don’t spend (Remember the list).