Thursday, 27 November 2014

The Green Eyed Monster

Over the years both myself and my other half have suffered from the effects of the green eyed monster.  In Writing Magazine; November 2014 there was a great article by Rebecca Woodhead about building your (FB) tribe and in it discussed this issue:

'What's happening is that you are causing people who are uncomfortable about changing their own lives to feel challenged.  If you improve your life (whether in terms of academic, social or financial advancement) those around you who would rather complain than change will kick out.  This response is similar to a childish tantrum.  It is about THEIR stuff, and nothing to do with you.  Let them throw their toys out of the pram, and continue to be your amazing self.'

The article goes on to describe other friends who may feel the opposite; 'And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.'

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

The Calendar Has Arrived!!

You can just about make out that the cover shot reads; 'Walking the Willow Walk' by Joanne Borrill.

Sunday, 9 November 2014

Black and White Challenge

One of the Shutter Imps set and Black and White Challenge.  I had not realised quite how difficult taking black and white photos was!  Here is my best one.  Neville - our black and white cat!!


My brother had a fab party on Friday and I took along my camera, hoping to take some decent photos of the fireworks.  These are my favourites from the evening......