Sunday, 18 March 2018

Week Three / Week Four

God only knows what happened these last two weeks.  I was struck down with something, but I am still not sure what it was.  Hopefully it has now passed and all I can do is look back and wonder what caused the extreme hedaches and tiredness that I experienced.  I am just grateful that I am finally feeling almost back to my self.

We did get to see Rick Wakeman at Lincoln Cathedral (although we were very close to not going!).   This was a recording of 'Live Portraits' so it was very interesting from the part of production etc. See:  Can't wait for the DVD to be released...

Sunday, 4 March 2018

Week Two

Continued to sort out the 'Creative Space'. Now all I have is a number of piles that need my attention, but the room itself is looking fit for purpose.

Sorted all my favourite Internet sites from the Dell computer and passed on those only that are current to the new computer.  Also reduced the emails from over 200 to a smaller 30 to be dealt with.

Went to the library to pick up 5 books I had ordered.  In the week I read 4 of them.  Two of them were by Shaa Wasmund ( Do Less, Get More and Stop Talking, Start Doing Action Book.  Both books I had read last year, but it didn't hurt to give them both a skim read to remind me how brilliant they were.  They both emphasise the need to declutter; mental as well as physical clutter, to slow down and to take time to pause and reflect.  They also mention the need to control the paperwork!  Highly recommended!

Another book was Diet Rehab by Dr Mike Dow (  Interesting as he discusses how stress can make you fat and how junk food is not a reward but an addiction!  He also discusses the need to find the time for our passions for the good of our health.  Point taken!

There was another book but it wasn't really 'me' so I skim read it.  I still can't NOT read a book but at least I can read it quickly....

My trouble is that as soon as I get a 'new' book or magazine I want to read it there and then.  This means that I may have pushed aside other jobs in order to do the reading.  However, it gives me satisfaction to return the books; making space once more in the creative room for more creativity.

I managed to file all recent information away into my Careers File and also applied for one job after ensuring my CV was up to date.  I applied for a position of 'Pet Carer' which involved writing a letter to sell myself.  We shall see how good it was....

The end of the week was taken up with three days off school due to SNOW!!