Wednesday 18 June 2008

All that hot air!!

I am beginning to wonder if I will ever really finish writing a book? (I have started 3 in total!) I had all that time off and not a lot to show for it and now I don't even seem bothered about writing this week. Up until now I have worried I am not writing at least a couple of times a day. Perhaps it is because I have other things in my life now that are (more?) important; such as my Teaching Assistant course and training. This has certainly proved that I can write every day - I just sit down and write - about my course and my experience in the classroom. What is the difference between this and my novel? Well, there is a deadline with the course work and the threat of failure if I don't complete the weekly work. Of course with my writing - not having a contract - means there isn't this pressure pushing me forward!! And now that I have the Teaching to focus on I am afraid my writing does not have the seriousness about it that I have attached to it over the last few months. But....this could be a good thing so watch this space!!

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