Friday, 11 July 2014

I Got A Job !!!

So, after 28 job applications, 6 interviews, and over 3 months out of work, I have finally got a job!

3 months out of work.....   Can't say I have written a novel, or even finished an article to pitch for publication, but I am happy with all that I have done in those 3 months. 

For a start, I have not been just sat on my bum doing nothing.  Obviously, I have had to write those 28 applications and then prepare for the interviews.  I suppose you could easily call these 'creative writing'!   In order to get the interview for my new job, I only needed to send a CV and a covering letter, but I suppose even that takes creativity!

The time off gave me an opportunity to clear the decks and finish many jobs that have been on my 'To Do' list for a long time.  This included giving each room and especially the loft, a major sort out, and finishing my 'Resources' and 'Ideas' documents which can be used to fuel any writing ideas I may have in the future.  I have also been able to clear masses off my laptop - which has helped to make it quicker (although I do desperately want a new one!).

I have also been able to spend time reading books and magazines which has been both relaxing and educational.  I am not so sure I can claim the same for the amount of surfing I have done, but I am sure I can claim 'research' when my hours on the Internet are added up......

I also attempted to get fitter by taking more exercise (usually walking) but I can't say that I am any lighter than when first made redundant.    I have also been able to spend more time with my son Jamie, which was both wonderful and exhausting!  Helping him learn to read this last few months has been amazing.  Watching him learn his 'phonics' and apply them to the words on the page is truly what being a parent is all about.   Being unemployed has also meant being there for him when he had to have some days off school when he was ill, as well as during the Easter hols and half term.

There has not been much opportunity for lazy lunches with the ladies,  as not having any money coming in means not going out!  This has emphasised how much I prefer staying in with the family or meeting friends for a walk, a simple coffee at a local café, or even just sitting in the garden chatting over a cuppa (with or without children running around like mad 5 year olds do!).  Although now I have a job I have had a few trips to buy certain 'essentials' like new clothes and shoes......

Of course, time has been taken up with the Whisby Photographic Competition / Exhibition and I will have plenty of opportunity to use my camera in a few weeks when we go off on our hols to Norfolk.  I also attended a 'Colour Workshop' run by the Spiritualist Church which was certainly interesting!

Have I kept my resolutions for this year?   I think I am doing OK (except the diet bit).

Being off work has made me realise what is most important, and the importance of a routine.   I am looking forward to starting work and getting back into one.  I have listed my weekly 'Priorities' to keep me sane - so I don't forget what's important and what must be done - and I am hoping that I can find the energy for everything I want to do in the coming months!! 

Wish Me Luck!

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