Sunday, 19 July 2015

Moor Lane Music Festival 2015

This weekend we held the second annual Moor Lane Music Festival.  So, its not my thing (music) but I think it deserves a mention as it fits within the No Excuses ethos of this blog.  My other half didn't start piano lessons until he was in his 20's.  But with hard work and determination he can now play both the piano (Grade 7) and the guitar (self taught).  He has also taught his friend guitar and they now earn extra money by playing covers in local pubs.   Here they are 'jamming' with Dean and Jack:

And what have I done?  I have organised the festival so that all our friends and family can come and have a good time. 

Writing seems to be a distance dream at the moment but I have been having lots of outings with my camera and I am loving watching my son grow up and taking care of him (and daddy).   I still have lots of ideas running through my head and one day they will meet pen and paper, but for now I am choosing to simply go with the flow.......

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