Saturday, 1 December 2018

Miss Marley - Rebecca Mascull at Lindum Books

This year we attended Lindum Books (very) Special Christmas event, which included 10% discount from 6-7pm.  Me, Yvonne and Michelle have had our tickets since Val McDermid in September!

The shopping was then followed with a talk by Rebecca Mascull in the Ice Cream Parlour next door, where we enjoyed festive refreshments and Rebecca signed copies of 'Miss Marley' - a spellbinding Dickensian tale of ghosts, goodwill and hope (it says here), a perfect prequel to 'A Christmas Carol' with a fantastic cast of characters both familiar and utterly original.

'Miss Marley' was the last book written by Rebecca's friend; the late Vanessa Lafaye, and was lovingly completed by Rebecca after her death.   A truly magical evening.

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