Wednesday, 19 September 2012

I don't know how we do it!

The latest issue of Mslexia (SEP/OCT/NOV12) is in part devoted to the relationship between motherhood and creativity.

In the article from Danuta Kean - I don't know how we do it! - she highlights the benefits of multi tasking.  Dr Kamal Birdi of Sheffield University says; 'There is a phenomenon called "incubation", where you leave a problem you have been working on for a long time and then come back to it, finding a solution suddenly pops into your head.'  Ironically, then, our other responsibilities can actually help with problems such as writers block.  'By going off and doing something else, you get a new insight on how to deal with your original problem,' he adds.

Later in the article Danuta discusses the importance of time to think.  She quotes Rachel Hore who has written 5 novels, who says; 'The challenge for anyone doing any writing is to make enough mental space for deep thought.  It's not just about creativity; its mulling over what you're doing and being able to concentrate.'  Danuta also quotes occupational psychologist Angela Carter who says; 'Start the day with writing and when you have achieved something you are happy with, then have a look at your emails.'

Danuta sums up her article with the words of Louisa Young, whose novel was chosen for this years Richard and Judy Book Club, 'I don't see male writers saying, "Oh my god, I'm not going to finish my great work of art on time!" Women writers need to be less hard on themselves.'

She's right says Danuta, I have never heard a man apologise for the state of his house or for not being perfect.  But I hear women writers doing this all the time.  So right now stop and celebrate how much we achieve, including short stories, poems, plays, blogs and books.  I look at that and think we are miracle workers.  So do as (JoJo) Moyes says; 'We should all take a step back and give ourselves a big pat on the back.'

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