Friday 30 May 2008

Tame Your Inner Critic

I have signed up for some free lessons from Jurgen Wolff and todays (for me) was of particular value: Getting started on a new project often is the easy part, keeping up your commitment to working on it daily can be difficult. I've stolen an idea from dieters to help you keep up the momentum. One very powerful little tool that dieters use is to put a picture of their chubby selves on the refrigerator door to remind them of what they don't want. Others put a picture of an ideal body with their head stuck on it, to remind them of what they want to work toward.

Which is more powerful for you--the fear of what you don't want, or the pull of what you do want? Once you've decided, here's what you do:If the negative is more powerful for you, then create an image of what you'll feel like if you don't reach your goal. You can draw this image, or cut a picture from a magazine, or even just write a single word or phrase (like "wasted my life"). If you respond more to the positive, create an image, word, or phrase that encapsulates how you're going to feel when you do reach your writing goal. Put this where it will do the most to remind you of your commitment to your dream--maybe on a sticky note stuck to your computer, or on the TV, for instance. If you think that it would be too embarrassing to have it where others can see it, carry it around in your wallet or purse and get in the habit of looking at it first thing in the morning, when you break for lunch, just after dinner, and just before you go to bed.

"Tame Your Inner Critic" program for details at;

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