Wednesday 17 December 2008

Giving ourselves time....

My MsLexia Writers Diary has arrived and looks impressive so I am having a few days 'planning'.... The final email from Chris Baty at NaNoWriMo sums it up nicely:

Giving ourselves time is so important. Because the world can wait. It's what the world does best, in fact. It was hanging out for 4.5 billion years before we arrived, and it'll be waiting around for another few billion after we're gone. Our dreams, however, have much shorter shelf-lives.

Whatever you think you are, you are more than that. You possess a fearsome array of skills and abilities, and the most satisfying of these may be completely unknown to you now. Your curiosity is a dependable guide; follow it. Put yourself in unfamiliar places. Kindle passions. Savor the raw joy of making things, and then remake the best of those things until they take someones breath away. Wrestle bears. Actually, skip the bear-wrestling.

But do keep trying big things, okay? Sometimes we can wait so long for a clear sign that it's time to begin, that the opportunity sails right past us. Life is so short. Adventures beckon. Let's get packed and head out on a new one today. I think it's time.

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