Thursday, 5 November 2009

One Quiet Thursday Afternoon..

First must say a big 'Thank You' to the Anonymous person who posted a comment to my last entry. Your response really meant a lot.

Having a good afternoon today. Been pretty pleased with myself the last few days as Christmas is just about sorted and so is the house. As Nanna has Jamie every Thursday afternoon I have been able to sit down and wade through all the piles of 'interesting stuff' I seem to have acquired recently. My Writing Magazine and Writers News arrived this morning but I am leaving them until I have cleared the decks (and they are a good night time read once Jamie is asleep!). I have just bought myself a book from the Mills and Boon Black Star Crime imprint to see what they are like and whether I could perhaps try my hand at one. (I believe they are shorter than mainstream crime novels). What I have left myself with now is a pile of 'filing' to put away in my writers cabinet which unfortunately currently resides in the nursery. I plan (am hoping to) spend next Thursday having a clear out and eventually (fingers crossed finances-wise) the cabinet should end up somewhere more suitable. And as for my ever increasing 'To Do' list, I have streamlined it. After severe meditation decided 'Who Cares if it doesn't get done?' In fact, the simple task of saying that actually makes me more likely To Do it!!

That's all my piles and my photos sorted in one afternoon - and 2 blog entries completed (not to mention the small amount of hoovering and washing I have also done).
Well Done Me!


Lace and Books said...

Wow, I just came across your blog by punching the "next Blog" button from my own. I found that you echo (and write much more eloquently) my own thoughts. I have a one year old and recently stopped "working". I'm trying to pursue my writing and art, but a child takes up more time than I realized. Add to that the renovation on a 80 year old house and I can get discouraged.

Carol Berg has a nice blog about her writing and if you haven't read Czeslaw Milosz or Seamus Heaney's poetry try them.

I wish you great luck and Karna in your endeavors.

Kaari said...

Great Blog