Friday 25 May 2012

Published. But at what cost?

Alma - a member of The Poison Pens - has been lucky enough to make money from her writing this month as her story You Naughty Dog! appears in My Weekly (15th-21st May).

At the group meeting on Saturday,  we had a lively discussion about the amount of changes that get made to your precious writing, and the fact that when you are a new writer you need to accept this in order to be published!  Only later can you perhaps insist on no changes.

The story that appeared in My Weekly is quite far removed from the original one which Alma had submitted; having been asked to do 10 rewrites and then the editorial staff still changing the story. 

Also, the picture that they put with the story was of a scruffy terrier when the original story was written about a Labrador!

She did get paid £80 but at what cost?

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