Monday 12 November 2007

Double Figures!!

Total Word Count stands at: 11,404
That's about 3000 words today; which isn't bad with the interruptions.
I decided to monitor what I did with my time today and this is what happened:
8.30am Out of bed, breakfast, general jobs, check email, blog
9.45am Writing
9.55am (honest!) Mum rings - have I got 5 mins?
10.55am (an hour later!) Writing
11.35am Cat wants feeding, read and recycled weekend papers, dealt with post
12.25pm Lunch, emails, text messages
1.10pm Writing
2.45pm Other half home, catch up
3.25pm Afternoon nap
5.00pm Tea, Computer, emails, blog
Total Writing Time = 2hours and 20minutes.
Off to the gym now to celebrate the double figures!!

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