Friday, 6 February 2009

Reading Matters...

Pleased with my little self as during the 2 days I have not been at work this week I have managed to finish a number of (non-fiction) books:-

Master Class in Fiction Writing (already mentioned and recommended). Seen on The Book Show in Tony Parsons ‘Write Place’.

Lateral Thinking: A Textbook of Creativity by Edward de Bono (1970). As recommended by Mike Skinner from the streets re: dealing with Writers Block – "don’t discount an ideas as all could be useful".

Crime Fiction: From Poe to the Present: Martin Priestman (1998) A brief history, but ends 1995ish. Still interesting and asks the question –What Next?

Patricia Highsmith: Plotting and Writing Suspense Fiction (1983). Highly recommended.

Phew!! Going to try to get to work today (snow permitting) for a rest!!

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