Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Happy 5 Years

On the 22nd October 2007 I began this blog.  Then the aim was to write a novel while I wasn't working.  I never did finish that novel, but 5 years later and my life and priorities have changed beyond recognition from that day. 

My resolutions continue, see: http://theonlyconsequence.blogspot.co.uk/2012/07/new-years-resolutions-at-6-ish-months.html 

Now I have a son who is nearly 4 and I have continued to write my other blog regarding being a mother at: http://grumpymumtobe.blogspot.co.uk/  I still wonder how women writers who are mothers get anything done, although I must admit to loving every minute of it!  

My son has just started pre-school which has given me a second morning to myself which is invaluable.  I often think I should start a children's novel.  Unfortunately he still continues to sleep in our bed which negates much writing in the evenings!  This time next year he will start school full time.   I have no idea what I will be doing in a year but I do feel that my writing has found its own place within the rest of my chaotic life and I have learnt to live with the fact that my time is no longer my own!!

Has much changed in a year? http://theonlyconsequence.blogspot.co.uk/2011_10_01_archive.html
I have a different job now, which is less hours (and money) but I do have Wednesday morning to myself. Well, I am no longer a member of the book club mentioned as - although I would have loved to be a member - I just don't have that extra time.  I still continue to attend The Lindum Scribes but have recently made the decision to resign from the group I refer to as The Poison Pens.  The main reason being the time it takes to get there, and don't forget the fact that Saturdays are always full of other stuff that needs to be done!   I did attend one meeting of the Pimento poets, but due to time constraints and the issue of babysitting I have not been able to make another meeting.   

I am quite proud that I have managed to write a number of poems this year, enter a number of competitions, and of course I am hoping to have an article published in the next few months.  This has motivated me to think about writing non fiction more seriously.  Unfortunately the course I was hoping to attend had to be cancelled, but I have spoken to the tutor and she hopes to run another in the near future.  Hopefully, this workshop should help me decide where I should focus in the coming months.

This time next year Jamie will have started school.  What will I be doing?  Watch this space!!

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