Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Lincoln Inspired Evaluation

Feeling good this week as I have been involved in the evaluation of Lincoln Inspired; www.lincolninspired.co.uk/    As well as being part of the 'Team' and  the ShutterChimps photography involvement, I offered to put a draft questionnaire together and it was just like being back at Clinical Audit (when I had a proper job).  I loved thinking up the questions that would be needed, as well as the actual the design of the evaluation sheet.  I may not have done any actual 'writing' this week, but I have been pleased to be involved with Lincoln Inspired and using my brain again!

Unfortunately, due to my back still being very sore - and driving being very painful - I was unable to make the meeting with the two other people who had taken responsibility for the questionnaire, but I was very proud of what I had to send in my place! 

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