Tuesday 2 July 2013

Lauded or Condemned?

In amongst the old magazines, I found an interview with Derek Landy regarding his 'Skullduggery' series, See: www.skulduggerypleasant.co.uk/       It was interesting to read what he had to say:

'Because Skullduggery took off, I can now be lauded and complimented.  Because I had faith in myself and in my dreams and I did not give up.  The flip side is that if Skullduggery had not taken off, and I kept on trying, I would be condemned as the dreamer who refuses to face reality.  There is nothing separating these two types of dreamers apart from the end result.  If you make it, you are lauded.  If you don't, you are condemned.  But if you're a writer you don't really have a choice.  This is what you're going to waste your life doing.'

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