Sunday, 21 July 2013

New Job (Poem)

This is a poem I wrote a few years ago, which is particularly apt this week!

It’s a new job.  A new story.

A new past.  A new lie.

A new one; not the old one.

A new truth to live by.


And the new me doesn’t worry, doesn’t panic, doesn’t fret.

Because the new me is self confident.

With no problems, as yet.


There is no history of slacking, no evidence of faults.

Just the new me; beginning.

Just beginning a new job.


In a year it may be different.

The real me may have leaked out.

In an unguarded moment, the mask might slip.

In twelve months they might have their doubts.


So until then I’m quiet, I’m clever. I’m new.

Until then, I fit the job description.

Until then, I’ll do.

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