Tuesday 10 June 2014

What Do You Do?

Loved this letter from Peter Wilson-Ward (Milton Keynes) in March's Writing Magazine www.writers-online.co.uk

When asking 'What do you do?', the inquirer actually wants to know: 'How do you earn your money?'  They aren't interested in what makes you tick.

It's the left hemisphere of the brain that needs to place people into categories.  I might earn my living doing one thing, but my heart and intellect are those of a writer.  And it's irrelevant that I'm unpublished. 

The left hemisphere places such imporatnce on labels.  It's that nagging voice that worries about the future and the past, obsesses about status and the ego Me.  Our society is all about the left brain.

But creative people know its from the right brain - when allowed to process in the background - that the ideas come.  It lives in the present moment.   It's slow and wants only to quietly observe and feel at one with the world around us.

Why should we engage with those who want to define us with their categories?  Let's not play that game.  I am not my job.  I am my passion - a writer.

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