Tuesday 1 April 2008

A New Perspective On My Future

Thanks to Steve for giving me a new perspective on the predictions....

So, this clairvoyant? A children's book with a bright yellow cover that's jolly. And she saw three children. Supposing she wasn't entirely accurate...

I don't exactly know what your book is about but on your blog you say you're researching cases of missing children. Perhaps the book she saw was about children, not for them.
And three children? You have three main different viewpoint characters I think? They could be classed as your children.

Incidentally, did you know the Italian for yellow is 'giallo', a type of (albeit lurid) CRIME novel? And, it's a stretch but jolly/giallo? It's not that far off.

Anyway, just a thought.
That or she thinks you're the perfect person for the "New Adventures Of BananaGirl"

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