Thursday, 19 February 2009

Still nest building....

......and reading when I wear myself out. As well as the very good The Brilliant Book of Baby Names: What’s Best, What’s Hot & What’s Not by Pamela Redmoind Satran & Linda Rosenkrantz, Collins (2007), I have also finished Enough: Breaking Free from the World of More by John Naish (2008) which is to the point when discussing society's obsession with more, more, more. The book can almost be summed up with one of the quotes:

It is not the man who has too little, but the man who craves more, that is poor.
Seneca, Epistulae Morales

He also quotes Charles Handy who says; a few years ago decided we didn’t need to maximise our income; we wanted to maximise our life.

I feel that my nest building this week has followed at least some of the principles in Enough as I have been ruthlessly streamlining all the crap and papers I have acumulated over decades and have given some books away, sent a good proportion of books, clothes etc. to the charity shop, put another load in the recycle bin and I have a small pile for ebay....

It certainly feels good and can only be of benefit to both baby and my writing!?

1 comment:

Race said...

Wow. Those a great quotes. And congrats on getting some stuff out of the house. If I could only do that...